The work on this website is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, unless otherwise noted.

This website is typeset in Domaine, with sprinkles of Pitch throughout (both typefaces by Klim).

The website was designed by me, and is compiled using the open-source static site generator Hugo, using a theme I designed, with the help of a great many tutorials. I’ve begun compiling an annotated bibliography here if you are interested in learning more about how it works, or would like to adapt the theme for your own use.

Warm thanks to Jared Pereira & the Internet Homesteading (2021) cohort at Hyperlink Academy for your camaraderie, encouragement, and feedback. Gratitude to Willa Koerner, who has created and generously made available through her website a very approachable and inspiring workshop, Strategic Digital Gardening, which helpfully reframes what an artist/designer website might be, and reminds me what the internet can be, at its best.